Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb 2 Amazing week!

So this week was amazing, my patience was tried as we had 9 appointments one day and 5 of them cancelled!! I have been able to have a lot more patience than I did last week lol!! And by having that patience, I have seen miracles! The Tates, a family who hasn't been to church since the wife was baptized and confirmed in October FINALLY came to church this week YAY!!! Also, the Bowdens and the Bryants came to church, both of which have been inactive for a ton of years!!! yay!! And the Moores came to church again!!! We also had 2 investigators at church, so we might be able to keep Makenzie's baptismal date after all, I am praying!!! We haven't had investigators attend church since I got to Carthage!!! So I was way super pumped!! The Tyners said they would take the lessons again which makes me so excited!!  If they were the only ones I helped baptize, I would be satisfied with my mission! lol Also Doug is praying about a baptismal date, we had a super spiritual lesson with him it was awesome!! Yeah just goodness and even though we had another super long service project, we were still able to teach a lot of lessons this week!!! It has truly been amazing and it has been so fun to grow with sister Johnson as we both become better missionaries! Also funny experience, we had the Jehovah witnesses knock on our door during personal study.  We traded them pamphlets a "is satan real?" for  restoration of the gospel, I think ours wins!! haha We have had a wonderful week and I just love being a missionary!!! The gospel is so true and so exciting and we are so blessed to have it in our lives!!! I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!! 
Love, SIster Hamilton Eternally in the Lords service

Just FYI Prayer works!! I just want you to know that while I thought my mission was the most sacred calling of my life, being a mother is the most sacred and I finally understand why I needed to serve a mission now.  I wasn't prepared to be a good mother and the gospel needed to be a higher priority to me before I began to raise a family!! So while I thought it was to help me like girls and be more tolerant of them or whatever else I thought my mission was for, Heavenly Father knew I needed to serve so I could be a better mother and I am so grateful I chose to follow my prompting to serve even though I didn't understand why and I didn't really want to. It has taken 5 months to get the answer to my prayer as to why I needed to serve, I now understand!!! :) I love you all!! and I love this gospel!! talk to you next week!!!
Love sister Hamilton

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